Welcome to the Adopt a Soldier Program page. One of our vital missions is to adopt and take care of as many confederate graves as possible. This program was created to give credit or honors to those soldiers who fought and died in the Civil War. 285,000 men gave their lives that we might have the ability to have the freedoms which are given to us in the Constitution of the United States. This program is designed that each member of the CRA will have a Soldier (Adopted Soldier) to care for and therefore giving Honors to that man. I would also like to encourage those of you that are members and not interested in getting patches, or are working on it, to please consider adoption as well.
So how do we do this? Well, first we locate a soldier near our home so that we can go and clean his grave, cut the grass and weed eat the trim, then place a Battle Flag on his grave. Then that soldier is registered in the Adopt A Soldier Program. The records are kept by the Adopt A Soldier Coordinator. Each month we care for our soldier. In the summer months more visits are required due to the grass growing more. We can also clean his headstone with non-harmful chemicals. When you adopt a soldier he is totally in your care, just as if you had adopted a child for life. We honor him each time we go. Each time you place a flag take a picture so that we can use it on the Adopt A Soldier website.
Remember the more soldiers you adopt means the more work you have to put into this. It’s not just a program! It’s a system set up to Honor those who fought for us. A way to say this Soldier is my adopted son and I love him. He is a special ancestor and I care for his grave to honor him. If you need me to find one in your area, I will do everything possible to do so. We are brother and sisters joined together by these soldiers. We cannot let the lives of these men slip away in history.
Sandra “Sassy” Fish
Adopt-A-Soldier Coodinator